12/19/2021 / By News Editors
Many U.S. governors—all of them Republican—have vowed to resist President Biden’s authoritarian COVID-19 vaccine mandates. GOP pushback includes executive orders, lawsuits, and legislative bills. And all three of Biden’s mandates have now been blocked by federal courts, at least for now—the diktat requiring the genetic-cocktail jab for businesses with 100 or more employees, another mandate targeting healthcare workers, and a third aimed at federal contractors. But while Republican politicians take aim at the vaccine MANDATES, not a single Senator, Representative, governor, or mayor of either party will come out and state the obvious:
(Article by Walter Gelles republished from AllNewsPipeline.com)
“The Covid vaccines don’t work. They don’t provide immunity, and they don’t prevent transmission of the virus, as the CDC now admits. Countless people who have been double-vaccinated are subsequently diagnosed with COVID-19 infection. All that the vaccines claim to do is reduce the severity of (mild) symptoms of COVID-19 illness. This transient protection supposedly lasts 4 to 6 months.”
“Even worse, there is overwhelming and irrefutable evidence that the COVID-19 genetic-modification treatments of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson, falsely labeled ‘vaccines’, are directly killing and severely damaging millions of people both in the United States and around the world. This is abundantly clear from the U.S. CDC/VAERS data (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) and the adverse-events reporting systems of the United Kingdom and the European Union.”
In Hans Christian Andersen’s famous fairy tale, only one lone boy observing the Emperor’s buck-naked procession through town had the courage to say: “The Emperor has no clothes!” The throng of cowardly adults milling around the boy were in a trance of collective denial or else feigned ignorance of the obvious naked truth.
Today, the jabbed are in a trance of collective denial. And not one politician has the courage to stand up and say the obvious naked truth:
“The so-called COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ all need to be taken off the market immediately. All of these highly dangerous, often lethal ‘vaccines’ should have been withdrawn by February 2021 when it became empirically obvious that these defective products are massively injuring and killing people. This slaughter is over a thousand times greater than any reputed deaths from COVID-19, a respiratory virus with a lower Infection Fatality Rate than the seasonal flu, according to the governments’ own data.” [1]
In their first four months, the experimental COVID-19 “vaccines” racked up more deaths and severe adverse events than all other vaccines combined in VAERS’s entire 30-year history. CDC/VAERS is a passive surveillance system that records fewer than 1% of deaths and adverse events, according to a 2010 U.S. Department of Health and Human Services/Harvard Medical School study.[2,3] Physicians in the U.S. now risk revocation of their medical license if they report ANY vaccine-induced injuries or deaths to VAERS or even make any critical comments about the COVID-19 “vaccines”.
The New State Religion
In America’s “New Normal” State Religion, a.k.a. the Covidian Cult, you do not ever criticize or question the goodness of The Vaccine, the cult’s holy sacrament. If you do so, you are branded a misguided, dangerous person, a danger to the community, an irresponsible weirdo who needs to be publicly shamed into obedience. And fired from your job. The brainwashed New Normals staunchly believe “The Covid vaccine is highly safe and effective,” “The virus is an apocalyptic threat to humanity,” “There is a genuine pandemic,” and “The unvaccinated are a threat to the vaxxed.”
All of these statements are totally untrue, but the New Normals obey the Mainstream Media which feeds them lies and propaganda 24/7. It is a faith that binds them together in their ignorance and fear. They repeat the mantra “Follow the science.” Yet, if you try to show them the real scientific evidence (censored by the Mainstream Media and Big Tech social platforms) they angrily spout nonsense fed to them by the Big Pharma-paid “fact checkers”. Or, more often, they simply walk away from you: “I don’t want to hear it!”
The politicians of both parties keep the scam going by endorsing the new State Religion, Branch Covidian, with their cowardice and doublespeak. Here is what some prominent Republicans have to say (hint: they all support the vaccine):
Texas Governor Greg Abbott: “The COVID-19 vaccine is safe, effective, and our best defense against the virus…”, while he issued an Executive Order banning all vaccine mandates in the State of Texas and urging the state Legislature to pass a law with the same effect.
Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky: “Once again this isn’t an argument against the vaccine, I just happened to get [natural immunity] and I was lucky” —explaining why he won’t get the Covid vaccine but recommending it for others. “Senator Paul repeatedly said he is not against [COVID-19] vaccination and his wife, Kelly, is vaccinated.” [4]
Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky (Republican minority leader): “We need to keep preaching that getting the vaccine is important.”
Senator Mitt Romney of Utah, former Presidential candidate: “I think it’s an enormous error for anyone to suggest that we shouldn’t be taking [the Covid] vaccines.”
Senator John Cornyn of Texas: “I do acknowledge the right of an individual to decide whether they’re going to get the vaccine, but what I’ve tried to do is encourage everybody to get the vaccine.” Senator Cornyn claims that much of the skepticism surrounding the Covid vaccines “is based on conspiracy theories, unfortunately.”
North Carolina Congressman Greg Murphy: “I’ve been a very big proponent of vaccinations,” he told Newsmax on October 8th while slamming Biden’s vaccine mandates. Rep. Murphy’s tweets have urged people to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
And here’s the megalomaniac buffoon Donald Trump, saying he would not need to issue vaccine mandates if re-elected because he would convince people to take the jab voluntarily: “I wouldn’t say to anybody, ‘You have to.’ But I would SELL it. Look, I’m very proud of what we did with the vaccines, It was supposed to take five years and they said it wasn’t going to work. I did three vaccines in less than 9 months and they do work, they work really well.” (Interview with Bill O’Reilly, 10/18/2021)
Trump’s new social media platform, TruthSocial.com, claims to encourage “an open, free, and honest global conversation”, yet from the outset it blocked the Covid truth-telling website Brighteon.com as well as Gab. Trump’s new site is closely interlocked with Google. Its backers, investors, lawyers, and technology partners have deep ties to AstraZeneca, Chinese investment and biotech funds, the CIA, NSA, the British MI6, and Sequoia.[5-7]
True, Senator Rand Paul has said he believes that Anthony Fauci should be prosecuted and imprisoned for lying to Congress. “Live your life and ignore this man,” Senator Paul advised Americans to disregard Fauci’s ever-changing, erroneous advice. And Senator Ted Cruz (R., Texas), the former Presidential candidate who supports the COVID-19 vaccines, slammed the Biden administration for its vaccine mandates, pontificating: “No pissant politician—whether a local mayor, or a governor or the President of the United States—has the right or legal authority to force you to make that decision.”
Speeches such as these are fine and dandy as far as they go. But they are mostly sound bites designed to win popularity and burnish the speechmaker’s image. All 535 members of the United States Congress—who are supposed to be acting on behalf of their constituents—are doing nothing of the sort. They are all sitting on their hands and sitting on the evidence. All of them are beholden to Big Pharma/Big Medicine for big dollars.
And that’s why none of the 535 members of Congress—not one—will EVER say: “The Emperor has no clothes.” They do not represent We The People. Their careers, wealth, and power come first. Through their inaction, they are actively participating in a coverup that will kill millions more Americans, unless we stop it.
America on a suicidal course
America is literally on a suicidal course with its deadly, counterproductive vaccination program. The Genetic Cell-Disruptor Biologic Agents mislabeled “vaccines” will cause the physical destruction of the American people if we allow it to happen.
The jabs are not only irreparably damaging the immune systems of millions of people, these falsely labeled “vaccines” (which do not meet any legal or FDA definition of vaccine) interact with the virus to foster new variants that escape immunity. In other words, the vaccines are spreading disease and people who got jabbed can be super-spreaders, as the CDC admits.[8,9] The vaccines are totally the wrong approach to the situation. The fraudulent PCR test is an acknowledged scam, as per the CDC’s and WHO’s admission. The test gives false-positive readings up to 97% of the time. The fear-mongering data promoted by the government and the Mainstream Media is all junk data. Many inexpensive, highly effective remedies are available to treat Covid sickness, but they are banned in The Land Of The Free.
Tens of thousands of mainstream doctors and scientists have signed petitions calling for the immediate cancellation of all the genetic-based COVID-19 “vaccines”.[10-14] But their voices are censored by the whore media and the Big Tech devils like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg and Twitter’s Jack Dorsey (now Parag Agrawal).
The censorship/propaganda campaign which led 200 million Americans to get double-jabbed with experimental, unapproved genetic-cocktail “vaccines” without giving informed consent was orchestrated by Bill Gates at Event 201, a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation held in New York City in October 2019. Participants in Event 201 included the Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum, US intelligence, Johns Hopkins, UN, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), China’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Big Pharma, and the World Bank.
As Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains in his essential new blockbuster exposé, The Real Anthony Fauci:
“At Gates’s direction, the participants role-played members of a Pandemic Control Council, war-gaming a contagion that serves as pretext for this insurgency against American democracy. They drilled a retinue of psychological warfare techniques for controlling official narratives, silencing dissent, forcibly masking large populations, and leveraging the pandemic to promote mandatory mass vaccinations. Needless to say, there was little talk of building or fortifying immune systems, existing off-the-shelf remedies, or off-patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins. Instead, there was abundant palaver about expanding government’s authoritarian powers, imposing draconian restrictions, curtailing traditional civil rights, which might include rights of assembly, free speech, private property, jury trials, due process, and religious worship, as well as promoting and coercing the uptake of new, patentable, antiviral drugs and vaccines. The participants walked through imaginary global coronavirus contagion scenarios that focused on fear-mongering, blanket censorship, mass propaganda, and police state strategies culminating in compulsory mass vaccination.”
A couple of weeks later, the major Establishment TV channels, newspapers, and radio dutifully joined the Trusted News Initiative and agreed to suppress any information that contradicts the official fantasy touting the COVID-19 vaccines as “very safe and effective.” [15,16]
There, in a nutshell, you have the past 20 months of plandemic/scamdemic. Any Pharma-paid “fact checker” who says Event 201 was a benevolent training exercise to safeguard public health is a blatant liar.
A course correction is required
A course correction is urgently needed, and only We The People can bring that about through massive protests, noncompliance, resistance at every level, and educating the vaxxed as to what is truly going on and what they have done to themselves by getting the harmful, wholly unnecessary jabs.
Perhaps the 535 members of Congress could find 35 minutes in their busy schedules to watch these four short videos by frontline nurses who report their firsthand observation of the horrific injuries and deaths caused directly by the COVID-19 “vaccines”. A televised joint session of Congress is in order, so we can see the Congress members’ reactions to these videos and their ensuing discussion:
1) “This is evil at the highest level. You have the FDA, you have the CDC that are supposed to be protecting us,” says Registered Nurse Jodi O’Malley, who works at a federally-run hospital where the orders from on high are to NOT report the deaths caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. The first in a series of videos from Project Veritas documenting how the US government is suppressing the deaths and injuries caused directly by the vaccines. It’s a crime against humanity.
2) A Maryland nurse describes the massive damage and death being caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. The same outcome is being widely reported by medical professionals across the USA and around the world, though most doctors and nurses are pressured into silence.
—#8212;“Maryland Nurse Has Never Seen Anything Like it, With Adverse Effects And Deaths From The Vaccine” [18]
3) “Nurse– Hospitals Full of Patients With Adverse Reactions From The Covid Jab” [19]
Of course, all frontline nurses’ and doctors’ truth-telling accounts of the carnage they are witnessing as a direct result of the Covid “vaccines” are censored by the corporate-controlled, CIA-controlled media like the New York Times, CNN, Washington Post, etc. But perhaps George Stephanopoulos could hold a “Global Town Hall” television event to enlighten his fans.
And maybe the 535 members of Congress (including the Republicans who wax enthusiastic about the clot-shots) could spare a few moments to check out the websites presenting testimonials from people whose lives and health have been permanently destroyed by the jab. Hundreds of thousands of people have died within 1 day to 1 week after getting the COVID-19 genetic inoculation. Millions more suffer immediate debilitation after getting the shot, and their health steadily declines. But the Mainstream Media says: “Not to worry, It’s all just a coincidence.”
Here’s an abbreviated list to help the busy, well-paid Congressmen and Congresswomen: VaccineInjuryNews.com, VaccineDeaths.com, 1000CovidStories.com, SorryIGotVaxxed.com, CovidVaccineReactions.com, WeWantToBeHeard.com, NoMoreSilence.world, RealNotRare.com, VaxTestimonies.org/en, Pandemic.News, TheCovidBlog.com, VaccineImpact.com, NoJabForMe.info, HealthImpactNews.com, TheEmpoweror.com, TheCOVIDWorld.com, C19VaxReactions.com
Read more at: AllNewsPipeline.com
Tagged Under:
adverse reactions, America, COVID, covid19, covidian cult, government, medical violence, obey, pandemic, religion, sheeple, truth, vaccine wars, vaccines, VAERS
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