News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Talking about reopening the economy, Texas Lt. Gov Dan Patrick says “There are more important things than living”
Remember when Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick made headlines for saying that many elderly Americans would be willing to risk their well-being for the sake of the economy? It appears he’s at it again, and this time he’s taken the sentiment even further, telling Fox News’ Tucker Carlson that “there are more important things than […]
By Cassie B.
People protesting stay-at-home orders across America
As President Trump pushes for the economy to return to normal sooner rather than later, concerns are growing that we may be moving to reopen far too quickly. Yet there is another group that takes the opposite stance, insisting that the rules placed on businesses and our daily lives be lifted right away. On Sunday, […]
By Cassie B.
Sixty percent of Americans won’t be able to cover basic necessities in a month or less because of the quarantine
America is dramatically unprepared for the economic shutdown we’re currently facing as the nation grapples with coronavirus, and one recent survey illustrates just how serious the problem is. When the Society for Human Research Management surveyed American workers from March 12 to 16, they found that 60 percent of respondents would not be able to […]
By Cassie B.
Woman facing criminal charges in China after hiding coronavirus symptoms to fly from Massachusetts to Beijing
A woman who concealed her coronavirus symptoms to board a flight from the United States to China and then lied to flight attendants about her health status is now facing criminal charges for exposing other people to the virus. The woman, Jie Li, is a 37-year-old Chinese Biogen employee who has been living and working […]
By Cassie B.
Since “climate change” alarmism has flopped, the same scammers are now toying with a new phrase they hope will sound more urgent
Climate change alarmists aren’t quite getting the results they’d like with their current approach, so they’re doing what any smart business people would do when their product isn’t selling: switching to a new marketing tactic. Now, they’re trying to get a more urgent-sounding phrase for the issue to catch on – one that they hope […]
By Cassie B.
Law allows hospitals to literally kidnap you for profit… you are the property of the medical industrial complex
In America, we like to think we are free. It’s ingrained in us as children, and it’s fair to say that we enjoy broader rights overall than people living elsewhere. However, there are still a surprising number of ways you can unfairly lose your freedom in this country that you might not even realize, and […]
By Cassie B.
FLASHBACK: Corrupt FBI targeted Dr. Suzanne Humphries after she went public with death threats that tried to silence her vaccine truth lectures
What would you do if someone sent you a death threat? If you’re like most people, you’d probably report the threat to law enforcement. You’d give them all the information about your case, and they’d investigate it to find out who was behind it so that person could be dealt with appropriately, right? Unfortunately, that […]
By Cassie B.
The secret history of Lyme disease, which was originally developed by the military as a biological weapon for depopulation
Although you’ve almost certainly heard of Lyme disease, there’s a good chance that you don’t know anyone personally who has been diagnosed with it. Most doctors are very hesitant to diagnose it, and evidence is pointing to the disease being originally developed as a biological weapon. The illness, which causes loss of memory, constant pain, […]
By Cassie B.
Climate change language allowed in Idaho science curriculum despite House Education Committee voting to remove it
Human-caused climate change is highly controversial, and one of the biggest problems is that the concept is often presented as fact even though much of the science behind it is far from settled. The Idaho House Education Committee recently voted to strip all references to human-caused climate change from proposed new education standards for science […]
By Cassie B.
Google partners with China to dominate the world with online tyranny, censorship and communism agendas
Just when you thought Google couldn’t possibly get any scarier, The Intercept is reporting that the company is still working in secret on the controversial Chinese search app it claimed to have abandoned last year. The search app, which has the code name “Project Dragonfly,” is still very much alive, even though the company claimed […]
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