News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
MEDICAL POLICE STATE as SWAT officers forcibly remove unvaccinated 2-year-old with a fever from his home
It’s a scenario that’s all too familiar for many parents: Your child is acting differently and feeling unwell, so you take his temperature. If he has a fever, you’ll weigh the pros and cons of waiting it out versus bringing him to the doctor’s. Then, just a short time later, your child is running around […]
By Cassie B.
MEDICAL POLICE STATE is here: New York county bans unvaccinated people from all public spaces… “imprisons” those who refuse to take dangerous injections
Government officials exploiting disease outbreaks to scare people into getting profitable vaccines is nothing new, but it has taken on a very concerning twist in New York this week. Rockland County has just declared a state of emergency, taking the opportunity to ban unvaccinated children from going to public places as a measles outbreak there […]
By Cassie B.
Stunning video shows how the vaccine industry has turned the measles, an ordinary, non-fatal infection like chicken pox, into a hyperventilated national emergency
When you hear the word “measles,” what is your first reaction? No one would blame you for panicking and keeping your distance from those who have the disease, given all the hype over it, but what exactly is so bad about it? Do you even know? Contrast this with your gut reaction to chicken pox. […]
By Cassie B.
Naturopathic doctor forced to shut her clinic after wave of death threats and government regulator pressure… medical freedom is DEAD
A world-famous doctor who offered her naturopathic services for free was forced to close her clinic after the Philippine equivalent of the FDA went after her and she received a wave of death threats. Dr. Farrah Agustin-Bunch went to a conventional medical school, but the fact that doctors are encouraged to prescribe treatments to patients […]
By Cassie B.
Now we’re told pregnant women shouldn’t be referred to as “she” – new medical language guidelines claim it’s disrespectful
If you’re in the room with a woman giving birth, it’s always a good idea to make her feel as comfortable as possible. You want to talk soothingly to keep her stress down, but a new guide published in the British Medical Journal that the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the UK plans […]
By Cassie B.
AMAZON wants to put cameras and microphones in every bedroom in America… what could possibly go wrong?
Just when you thought connected devices couldn’t get any more intrusive, Amazon steps in and takes things up a notch with its Echo Spot, which is already available in the U.S. and soon to launch in the U.K. With its “smart alarm” feature being heavily marketed, the internet retail giant is hoping you’ll place it […]
By Cassie B.
Creepy: New AI can READ YOUR MIND by decoding your brain signals … kiss your personal privacy goodbye
We live in a society that is obsessed with oversharing. While it’s becoming increasingly difficult to tune out the trivial bits of people’s lives that we don’t care about, we can still choose not to sign up for social media accounts to preserve our own privacy. We can also take comfort from the idea that […]
By Cassie B.
YouTube videos target children with bizarre, mind-altering narratives disguised as kids’ entertainment
Most parents understand that the internet can be a dangerous place for children, and there are plenty of high-tech ways to minimize their exposure to undesirable content. However, none of these methods can completely sidestep the need for parents to pay attention to what their children are doing. Even if you’ve helped your child safely […]
By Cassie B.
Investigation reveals the CIA poisoned an entire town with LSD to see what would happen
When the inhabitants of the quaint village known as Pont-Saint-Esprit in southeastern France experienced hallucinations and what can only be described as mass insanity back in 1951, the flour at a local bakery was blamed. However, a writer who was researching a book found evidence that it was actually an intentional mind control experiment carried […]
By Cassie B.
Scientists claim people will “love refugees” once they are dosed with oxytocin, the hormone produced by babies to make their mothers love them
The presence of refugees has been causing a lot of controversy among the locals in many areas, particularly in Europe, and now German scientists have found a simple way to take care of those who are less accepting of their plight: Research has found that people can simply be drugged into compliance with the help […]
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